Monday, November 11, 2013

Sharon Ingle

I never knew Sharon Ingle. I was supposed to meet her this past weekend but she passed away from cancer November 6th. Sharon was to be in a cycling instructor training workshop that I was running for CAN-BIKE and Cycling Canada in Cobourg Ontario. I was looking forward to meeting her for several reasons. Sharon Ingle was an amateur Triathlete who has competed for Canada since 1993. It was three months after she competed in the 2008 World Championships that Sharon was diagnosed with cancer. Like Melodina and so many other cancer patients she decided to not let the cancer rule her life. Sharon took punishing chemo treatments and much radiation She continued to train and compete. Like Melodina she won medals while on treatment. Nothing could stop her. By last summer, I understand she was told there was nothing more the doctors could do. She joined a bike club and took a CAN-BIKE course with the idea of becoming a certified instructor and help others enjoy an activity she loved. What an inspiration! I am sorry that I never got to meet Sharon Ingle. I am sorry that I never got to instruct her and I am sorry she is not going to teach cycling. Yet I know she continues to inspire. She inspires me and she inspired my students and she inspires many. Thank you Sharon.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Four years later

Today is the fourth anniversary of Melodina's death. We think of her constantly. Still the memories are bitter sweet and do tend to give much comfort. I have been skiing almost every day recently and it seems almost like she is with me. She certainly continues to inspire me. Indira and I have been looking at photographs today and remembering trips to the world's various mountains, times in India, with family and yes the years at The Hospital for Sick Children. We have received many kind messages and that too is comforting. For us it is a special day toremember and contemplate but it is generally peaceful now.