Thank you everyone who has expressed your understanding of the strange and difficult time this season presents to us. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. It is hard to even think about going through Christmas and New Years without Melodina. Never the less there are many things to be thankful for, not the least being friends and acquaintances who are so very thoughtful and supportive.
We have received cards and e-mails from friends. Many of these had flowers or some other pretty picture on the front. At first I thought it was strange that there were so few that were the standard "Christmas Card". Two days ago I opened up a card that might explain why. A Jewish family we are friends with sent a card with a beautiful photograph of a rose on the front - not so strange as you would not expect a Christmas card from people who celebrate Hannaka. Inside, however was a note that, to us that might explain why It expressed kindness and compassion and I wanted to share it with the readers of this blog. "We did not know whether you are ready for Christmas Cards, so we decided to let you know that we are thinking about you and that our hearts are with you..."
If you know someone who is suffering, for whatever reason , something present or from memories of the past, perhaps you can take the time to let them know you are thinking of them. It means a lot.
Another person sent us a card - picture of tulips this time - to let us know she was thinking about us. It was from a doctor from Sick Kids, who had treated Melodina early on in her ordeal and again a couple of years later. She praised Melodina and complimented us. Her memories which she shared brought tears to my eyes and I wanted to share some of her words with you. "...What a tragic loss to your family and also to the world in general who is really missing out on not having Melodina any more... Thank you for the impact you have had on me personally and professionally." Thank you Doctor. You are important in our lives too.
The other story I wish to share with you is about a nurse from Sick Kids. She sent me an e-mail today. This nurse is running in the Olympic Torch Relay tomorrow. Melodina had drawn the design above. It is the Lymphoma Cancer ribbon with an alpine ski racer and the word Courage - a key word in Melodina's philosophy and her approach to life. The Nurse wanted to know if she could print out a copy of the ribbon to carry with her on the run. She wrote "...I cannot show anything on the outside of what they gave me to wear but it will be in my pocket and Mel in my heart. I hope you are all doing well and we think of you lots at the hospital."
I am grateful to each of you and so may other well wishers the world over. Have a wonderful season. May you enjoy your love and find peace. In Melodina's spirit I wish each of you strength and courage.
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