Friday, September 26, 2008

Say Hello to Melodina

My daughter Melodina got sick towards the end of 2005. Melodina went to Chilli in August to train for her 2006 alpine ski race season. She was 14 years old, an honours student and a brown belt in Karate. Throughtout the fall she continued to train. She visited her mother's family in India and she attended school when possible, achieving honours in her first year of high school.

1 comment:

gplum said...

Hi Melodina,

Just a quick letter to say hello and hope that everything is going well.

Things are very busy on the train and it is a very long day, which unfortunately makes it difficult to visit.

Are you still at the hospital or have you able to go home?

This is the very first blod I have ever done, so I hope I am doing it right.

You and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers and wish you all the best.

Hope to see you soon.

Love, Mr. P.